What is Gunite?

As one of the best gunite inground swimming pool companies in the greater New England area, we consider ourselves experts on the matter. From installation, renovation, construction and maintenance, Aqua Pool is comprised of industry experts that can bring the very best to your backyard environment.

If you are new to pools in general and gunite pools more specifically, we’ve got you covered. Inground gunite pools, also referred to as shotcrete pools, are one of the best types of inground pools available today. That is also perhaps why it’s one of the most popular methods of pool construction. Known for its ability to suit a variety of property characteristics along with a durability that enables a long and joyful pool ownership, here’s a bit more about the unique structure of a gunite pool.

What is Gunite?

Gunite is similar to cement – crafted by mixing together aggregate and water. But unlike traditional concrete, gunite is applied using a specialized spray gun. This spray gun uses compressed air and allows a builder to spray the material across vertical surfaces and difficult curves (like a pool). Gunite is mixed with water at the pool construction site and is then sprayed on directly.

The gunite process involves mixing the porous concrete with water then applying it to a skeletal rebar frame for your pool. During the installation is also when plumbing and pool equipment pipes are set in place. The tensile strength of the rebar structure covered in gunite results in the highest quality pool build possible. It is important to take care of gunite post-application and allow at least seven to ten days for it to cure properly. During this time, homeowners will need to “water” the gunite to assist it in curing evenly.

If you have more gunite questions, give our team a call as we are happy to answer all of your queries.