Saving Money and Protecting the Earth with Energy-Efficient Pool Equipment
If you are planning to build a pool, you might be concerned about how much it will cost to operate your pool equipment over time and how much energy it will consume. The good news is that pool equipment has come a long way over the years, and there are now many energy-efficient options available to help you save money while doing your part to protect the planet.
Whether you are building a brand-new pool or updating your existing one, Aqua Pool & Patio can help guide you in selecting the best and most efficient pool equipment to suit your needs. Here are some of the options that we recommend to maximize energy efficiency:
- Variable speed pumps. As one of the most critical pieces of equipment needed for a clean and healthy pool, the pump uses an internal motor to circulate water through the pool’s various components. Different functions require different amounts of pressure and quantities of water. For example, spa jets require a great deal of pressure, while the filtration process needs less pressure but a high volume of water. In the past, the only options for pool pumps were single- and two-speed. Single-speed pumps operate at a high rate of power for all pool functions, making them the least efficient choice. Two-speed pumps are slightly better, since they can run on either a high or low rate of power depending on the function for which they are needed. However, variable speed pumps are the newest option and are significantly more energy-efficient. In addition to having motors that are designed to operate more efficiently, you can adjust the flow of a variable speed pump to use only as much energy as is needed to perform the function at hand. As a result, variable speed pumps will help you save money in the long run—we estimate that the pumps we recommend for our customers will carry utility costs of approximately $25 per month or less. The motors on variable speed pumps are also cooler and quieter.
- Cartridge filters. When choosing a filter to keep the water in your pool clean, you’ll encounter three types: sand, cartridge, and diatomaceous earth (DE). There are pros and cons to each, but cartridge filters are the most eco-friendly option. DE filters tend to remove the smallest particles, but they use chemically treated and possibly heated pool water in the process of cleaning the filter. Sand filters also waste pool water in the cleaning process, and the sand must be replaced approximately every 3-5 years. Therefore, Aqua Pool generally uses cartridge filters as they clean the pool better than sand filters and are almost as effective as DE, without presenting the issue of wasted pool water.
- Heat pumps. Having a heater for your pool can significantly extend the swimming season, but there’s no denying that pool heaters tend to use a lot of energy. Two of the main types are gas heaters and heat pumps. While gas heaters are preferable if there is a spa attached to your pool because they can warm up the water quickly, heat pumps are far more efficient if you just have a pool and want to keep it at a desired temperature year-round. In fact, when sized properly and used regularly, heat pumps should pay for themselves over time. There are many different models of heat pumps, with efficiency ratings ranging from 83-95 percent. Units with a higher upfront cost tend to be more efficient.
Have questions about selecting the most energy-efficient equipment for your pool? Call Aqua Pool today at (860) 623-9886!
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